Dehydration occurs when the body lacks enough water to function as it should. Although mild dehydration might be too uncomfortable, more severe dehydration might lead to seizures, blood clots, and other fatal complications. Usually, dehydration can be treated quickly, but its effects are mainly significant. You ought to catch any degree of dehydration early enough. However, some of its signs are not as apparent as fatigue and thirst.
1. Headache
Even mild dehydration can result in severe migraines. Considering that the cause of a headache is not apparent, take a glass of water whenever you experience one. Continue sipping more healthy fluids as you await medical attention.
2. Bad breath
Saliva contains antibacterial properties, but dehydration might make it impossible for the body to produce enough saliva. If saliva production in your mouth has gone downhill, it is possible that you have bacterial overgrowth. Take a glass of water as soon as you can.
3. Muscle cramps
Dehydration is only one of the many causes of muscle cramps. However, it is a possibility that should not be assumed. It often occurs when one is exercising in hot weather. The warmer you are, the likelier it is for you to experience muscle cramps. Changes in electrolytes such as potassium and sodium might lead to muscle cramps. Drinking water will balance the condition.
4. Dry skin
When you pinch the skin of a dehydrated person, it will remain tented and take some time before returning to normalcy. As your skin goes through the process of dehydration, it might get scorched at some point. You may also notice that it appears flushed.
5. Fever and chills
When severely dehydrated, you are likely to experience chills and fever. Fever will worsen the state of dehydration. The higher your fever, the more dehydrated you are likely to become. When you have a temperature exceeding 103OF, visit a physician immediately.